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ID number:  WBHERB.EL.L.15.1
Institution:  Winterbourne House and Garden
Named collection:  Winterbourne Herbarium Archive
Title / Object name:  Letter from A. J. Wilmott to Professor Yapp concerning viewing the notes of Hedlund which may be in Augustin Ley's Herbarium.
Object type:  Letter
Date made:  1926-01-26
Materials:  Paper
Measurements:  24.1 x 19 cm

Printed letter from A. J. Wilmott to Professor Yapp. At the top of the page in the left hand corner it says the telephone and telegram lines, in the middle there is a crest with 'National Scheme for Disabled Men' and in the top right corner there is 'British Museum (Natural History)'. The letter concerns trying to decipher "what Hedlund intended by Sorbus porrigens and S. Anglica". Asks if what Hedlund refers to could be in Augustin Ley's Herbarium and if he could see Hedlund's notes and a copy of the original labels as Hedlund is no longer alive.

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