Online Collections at UoB - Objects
ID number: ECM 1946 Named collection: The Eton Myers Collection Title / Object name: Pan Grave Sherd Object type: Vessel
Culture: Egyptian (Pan-grave) Date made: Second Intermediate Period (c. 1650-1550 BCE) Collector: Wainwright, Gerald Avery Materials: Ceramic Provenance: Upper Eg: Balabish - grave B 211.

Seven joined sherds from the body of a hand made Pan Grave bowl with red burnished interior and exterior surfaces. No rim sherds are present from this vessel. Excavated by G.A. Wainwright from Burial 211 at Balabish, Upper Egypt.
Bibliography: For more information, see:
C. Graves 2016 'Balabish: Rediscovering an expedition' in S. Boonstra (ed.) Objects Come to Life Virtual Exhibition, Birmingham Egyptology.
G.A. Wainwright 1920. Balabish. London. Egypt Exploration Society.
Notes: The distinctive ceramics of the Pan-grave culture are evident in sherds ECM 1946 and ECM 1947: a red polished exterior with blackened rims and burnished black interiors. Closed-form vessels found in Pan-grave burials are often Egyptian wares and thus may relate to some form of economic relationship between the two populations (the Egyptians and Pan-grave peoples). ECM 1946 was discovered in Tomb 211 and is indicate on the Tomb Record card, BAL.TC.211 (found at the Egypt Exploration Society), alongside vessels with distinctive Pan-grave rims and decoration.
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