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ID number: BIRBI-R0003 Object type: Coin
Institution: The Barber Institute of Fine Arts Named collection: G. Haines Collection Collector: Haines, Geoffrey Maker: Roman Republic; Hatria Denomination: Aes Grave Quadrans Place made: Atri Culture: Roman Date made: 289-269 BC Metal: Base metal Diameter (cm): 4.30 Weight (g): 101.94 Axis (degrees): 0.00 Provenance: Haines 2247. bt Spink 1943. |

Description: Obverse: Dolphin on l., on its back. Reverse: Dolphin or flat fish on l., depicted as if looking from above. Above the dolphin, to the r., are three dots, ooo, thus denoting it as a quadrans/teruncius.
Inscriptions: Obverse: HAT. Reverse: None.
Bibliography: Thurlow 184
Notes: HAT = Hatria (the mint).
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