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ID number:  BIRUG 107129
Institution:  The Lapworth Museum of Geology
Named collection:  Zambian Copper Belt
Definition:  Chrysocolla; Malachite; Wad; Oxides
Object type:  Carbonate; Silicate; Oxide
Place collected:  Zambia; Kalengwa Mine
Chronostratigraphy:  Precambrian; ?Kalengwa

Description:  Slab of green/pink conglomerate.. Attached label reads "K7 Decomposed conglomerate Low grade ore ½-3% Cu. Chrysocolla, minor malachite, wad & iron oxides Kalengwa Open Pit. Zambia. Pres by Roan Consol Mines 22.8.72." Attached descriptive list from Roan Consolidated Mines Limited states "K7 'Low grade' ore consisting of chrysocolla, traces of malachite, wad & limonite. Specimen a decomposed and weathered conglomerate assaying probably 1½ - 3% total copper)."

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