Online Collections at UoB - Objects
ID number: BIRBI-B0548 Object type: Coin
Institution: The Barber Institute of Fine Arts Named collection: P. D. Whitting Collection Collector: Whitting, Philip D. Maker: Justinian I; Constantinople Denomination: Decanummium Place made: Istanbul Culture: Byzantine Date made: 555-556 Metal: Base metal Diameter (cm): 1.90 Weight (g): 2.42 Axis (degrees): 180.00 Provenance: Whitting 7315. A. H. Baldwin 27th April 1970. |

Description: Obverse: Bust r. of Justinian wearing plumed helmet with diadem and paludamentum. Reverse: I, cross above.
Inscriptions: Obverse: …INI ANVS P... (Our lord Justinian Emperor in perpetuity). Reverse: ...O XXϚIII (Year 29). Off: None. Mint mark: CON.
Bibliography: DOC I. pl. XXI AE80.2, MIB 1 pl. 21 99.1
Notes: Double struck on reverse.