Description: Obverse: Yazdgird II, facing r. on frontal bust, bearded, hair in bunch, earring; ribbon extending upwards from bunch of hair; crown, with pellet band, mural elements, with line extending vertically to upturned crescent, fireball/pomegranate within crescent; single pellet band at neckline, double pellet lines extending from shoulder to sternum, where they connect to large hollow pellet; single pellet border.
Reverse: Fire altar, thin column, with two steps at base, three steps at top, two ribbons extending down from centre of column; fire atop altar, depicted as four rows of four pellets, three pellets, two pellets and one pellet respectively; two attendants, both facing in toward altar, crowned, holding barsom, robe/kushti depicted with diagonal lines; single pellet border.
Inscriptions: Obverse: MZDYSN BGI KDI YZDKRTI (Mazdayasn Bagi Kadi Yazdakirti/ Mazda worshipping divine fortunate Yazdagird).
Reverse: YZDKRT (Yazdagird) NVKI (Navaki/ Adorer)
Bibliography: SNS 3.1/p.378.12